Get Your Fill of Writing Workshops

The month of September is filled with writing workshops at the Bixby Library. I’ve given up the reins of the Thursday workshop for a few weeks again to Kris Johannesson MFA to lead the writers through what she calls “Writing Horror.”

Three one-off writing workshops are taking place, too. On September 6th, Joni B. Cole will take writers through a workshop based on some of the material in her new book Good Naked: Reflections on How to Write More, Writer Better & Be Happier. On September 14th, Megan Price, author of the Vermont Wild series will lead the workshop “I Want to Write a Book – How to Begin.” And on September 28th, she will lead a follow up “How to Publish Your Book – Let Me Count the Ways….”

So, I won’t have workshop recaps for the next few weeks, but stay tuned for a writing prompt each week!


I like the way that Cory Doctorow describes a your main character’s travails during the rising action of a story. They must try, and fail “convincingly.” There are lots of strategies for accomplishing this ratcheting up of tension through convincing failures. Write a story and incorporate an alienation of allies to help make your main character’s situation worse.